"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

Taking the first steps

This section of the website helps you to take the first steps in exploring this extensive online resource. Remember, Giving in Grace is what we call this resource. Call your programme by a name that works for you: one of our case study churches chose Vision2020. It is fine to use 'Giving in Grace', but build your programme and feel free to choose your name.

Section Guide (About Giving in Grace)

An introduction to Giving in Grace

Find out about the purpose, content and structure of a Giving in Grace programme.
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Is a Giving in Grace programme for you?

What kind of programme is right for your church, now: full and focused programme or light touch invitation to generous giving? Ideas to start the conversation here. 
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The planning group

A prayerful and committed planning group will lead the Giving in Grace programme on behalf of the church leadership and will be accountable to that leadership.
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Giving in Grace in action

Read some stories about how Giving in Grace has made a difference in churches around the country.
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Transforming Generosity

Giving in Grace is supported by UK Christian charity, Stewardship. Stewardship helps people to give and strengthens the causes they give to. Find out more.
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Church Urban Fund

These resources are freely available. If Giving in Grace blesses your church, please consider making a gift in gratitude to the work of the Church Urban Fund.
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