"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

Alone and together

Preparing the case statement structures the early work of the planning group. In practice some of the work will be completed by individuals, not least the gathering of the financial data. That work does not need to wait for planning meetings. But be sure to allow time for planning group discussion on the various elements in the case. The aim is to build consensus and advocacy for action as the planning group presents the case to the church council or leadership.

Section Guide (Building the Case)

Sample Case Statement

Find a template for your case statement and review the case from a fictional church to see how your case statement might look. 
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Thinking about our ministry

The case starts with the ministry that money makes possible. More than balancing a budget, Giving in Grace is an invitation to resource mission abundantly.
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Thinking about stewardship

Reflect carefully on stewardship practice in the church. How is faithful living around money taught?  How is the giving challenge made? 
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Building a financial profile

A simple but honestanalysis of finances, including a congregational giving profile, is key to understanding the church's needs and to shaping the programme.
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Drawing up a church budget

A budget is mission in numbers. If we are building something we want people to see let's make sure we know we can finish what we start. A simple budget enables us to set an achievable financial target.
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Creating giving options to guide responses

The gift array offers a range of giving options that meet the church's needs and guide congregational responses while being sensitive to varying personal situations.
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Building consensus and ownership

Once drafted, the case statement can be offered to the church leadership for creative input, consensus, ownership and, crucially, a personal response.
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