"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Church Urban Fund

Established in 1988 in response to the important Church of England report Faith in the City since 1988 the Church Urban Fund has resourced churches and communities in our poorest urban areas. Their vision is of people of hope, changing lives and commuities together. If your church has been blessed by Giving in Grace, please consider making a gift to the ongoing work of the Church Urban Fund.
Originally a grant making charity over the years CUF has evolved to address the needs of a changing church and world. Arising out of CUF priorities are three core, creative organisational streams. The Together Network is a union of 21 faith-based partnerships across England, driven by the desire to tackle social inequality across England. Near Neighbours seeks to create innovative solutions to tackle isolation and maintain community networks. The Just Finance Foundation was founded by the Archbishop of Canterbury to tackle the major social inequalities caused by financial exclusion, unmanageable money worries and debt. Read more on the CUF website.

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