"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Exodus Scripts

Exodus Scripts are for younger church members or all age activities. They are a creative way of exploring the five themes from the Exodus preaching and adult small group resources in this website. They are based on just one aspect of the rich Godly Play approach to scripture developed in the States by Jerome Berryman widely used and with a strong resource centre in the UK. 
Exodus scripts offer a powerful and attractive approach that brings bible stories alive in a new and fresh way, for children and for all age activities. The five scripts will help leaders to explore the bible stories with children and to bring out the importance of generosity as we grow with God.  The Scripts can be used as a standalone resource with guidance notes on this page which also offer deas for additional activities drawn from the all-age Exodus resources.  The Exodus Scripts can also be used alongside the companion Action Scene resources. 
