"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Giving profile

In most churches the direct giving of church members is the largest source of income. Headline statistics of total giving and average giving levels are a good start, but they don't tell the whole story. Look under the bonnet by building a simple giving profile and find out about skew in giving. It's a little more work but deepens understanding and gives confidence when asking for a review of giving.  
'Skew' is a distinctive feature of charitable and church giving. Skew simply means that a small number of generous givers will give a disproportionate amount of the total giving in the church and that a good number of givers will give at a low level. Perhaps 10%-15% of givers will contribute over half of the total money given, often more.

Your giving profile will almost certainly capture the skew in your church   It needs to be recognised if we are to understand the giving potential in the church.The Download document, Lifting the Bonnet offers  reflections on skew in congregational giving. If You Build It has guidance on completing the giving profile template.