"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Other study resources

Alongside the study materials prepared for Giving in Grace, planning groups will be interested to explore some of the rich array of freely available, stewardship-themed bible study resources. A few UK based ones are mentioned here. These resources can enhance a stewardship programme and will repay careful study and make possible pastoral care and support throughout the year.
There are some helpful stewardship resource materials from the UK that are freely available;  an internet search will produce a bewildering array of resources from the States! The Money Revolution by John Preston is on Amazon and elsewhere at low prices. Free from the well regarded American outfit Generous Giving comes a 3 session  bible study, Introduction to Bibical Generosity; see also their innovative Journeys of Generosity retreats. A book club or small group woudl do well with The Money Secret from Rob Parsons.

Focussing on managing personal finance check out the The Money Course from Crosslight Advice, a partner of HTB/Alpha and the evergreen and excellent CAP Money Course.  Finally,  Money or Maker (£4.50) is from Mark Lloydbottom's Your Money Counts website.