"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

Principle Reviewed

Planned Giving

When the people of Israel turned their harvest produce into cash for celebrating the tithe the people were commanded, 'bind the money in your hand' (Deut. 14:25). So too, Paul advised the practical setting aside our gifts to God as part of the journey to generous giving (1 Cor. 16:2; 2 Cor 9:3-5). Regular, planned giving helps us to put this biblical principle into sustainable practice. 
Giving changes over time. When most people were paid weekly and in cash weekly giving envelopes made sense, and for some today still do. But in an increasingly cashless society they are increasingly problematic and the pandemic from 2020 exposed their limitations. Standing Orders are much used but again have limitations.

Established in 2008 the innovative Parish Giving Scheme is now available to every Church of England parish. It is a tried and tested method of regular planned giving, consistent with biblical principles and built on safe and secure giving through a Direct Debit and at no cost to the church or the diocese. Stewardship accounts are similar, excellent for giving to other church traditions.

But planned giving is more than the method of giving. Rather than reacting to appeals or circumstances planned giving is being intentional about our giving andessential to generosity. That's why Paul wanted the offering from Corinth to, 'be ready as a generous gift, not as one grudgingly given' (2 Cor. 9:5).Generosity requires us to be disciplined and intentional about our giving.