"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Making a Decision

Jesus invited his first disciples to 'come and see'; they could talk, share together and ask questions (John 1:39). You need to discern the kind of Giving in Grace programme to best meet the needs of the church right now, the timing of any programme, the support and advocacy of church leadership and the energy within the congregation and those who might serve on a planning group. 
Churches never exercise a stewardship ministry in a vacuum. What's your context? A pressing financial situation needing action? An annual Gift Day? Communicating the annual budget? A little extra material to compliment Generosity Week resources? Do you have capacity for a full, focused Giving in Grace programme? Or do you need a light touch encouragement to generous giving? Giving in Grace has resources for you.

Invest time in making an informed leadership decision; then make your move. If you are good to go use the introductory Giving in Grace leaflet in Downloads. If you can make time for a good stewardship conversation check out Come and See for a range of options.