"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

Task Completed

Reminder letters

St Paul challenged the church members at Corinth to finish what they started (2 Cor. 8:10-11). We can do the same. People do forget but a piece is missing from the jigsaw.  Send reminder letters within two weeks of the closing date for the return of response forms. A reminder letter will jog the memories of some, the consciences of others. 
Don't be anxious about sending reminder letters. At the sharp end, people simply forget to respond and we all know how that goes! Others intend to reply later or are not quite sure yet what their response will be. It is fine to send a polite reminder letter asking people to return their response form. At our end, as those sending the reminders, remember that the same purpose that inspired the initial clergy letter still applies. You are inviting people to be partners in the church’s mission, so don't let it become a matter of anxiety.