"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

Task Completed

Response Forms

The clergy letter and congregational brochure are accompanied by a response form. This is the vehicle by which the best intentions of the church member are translated into action. The response forms also enable the church to gauge the pledges made and respond to specific requests for more information. 
Like the clergy ask letter the response forms reflect the principle of differentiation. There is a different response form for the Leader, Planned, Plate and Friends groupings. Use the correct response form for each differentiated grouping. Under Downloads read the short guidance at Finish the Work and check out the brief introductory video. A response form template is available. Response forms are created in Canva, free and easy to use online design software.

We default to paper literature because it is makes for a tangible response, is more personal and avoids privacy technicalities around email. But you may wish to explore digital communications and response options. A few suggestions are made in Finish the Work.