"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Overflowing grace: 2 Corinthians

This three-session bible study with an informal and optional introductory session, looks at Paul's sensitive, detailed and challenging teaching about giving. As the church in Corinth loses enthusiasm for its gift to Jerusalem, Paul encourages the members to understand giving as the overflow of God's grace, obedient discipleship and as sowing a seed of spiritual blessing.  
Two chapters contain the most detailed teaching on giving in the bible. While Paul never loses sight of hungry Christians in Jerusalem giving is also an act of grace resulting in praise to God and spiritual reward to the church. Yet he is also at pains to show that the money is being handled transparently and well. 

Three small group bible studies get into Paul's teaching whilst an optional, informal session kick starts discussion through a simple game, Money Ludo. For additional materials visit the Generous June 2021 pages: an alternative four week Bible study is offered plus some creative activities for households with young children, for youth, students, seniors and more.