"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Free to give: Exodus

Free to Give explores over four sessions how Israel journeyed from poverty in Egypt to the overwhelmingly generous gifts that provided for the Tent of Meeting in the wilderness. That desert journey helped prepare the people to live well in a prosperous land flowing with milk and honey. This bible study invites us to reflect on generosity in our world, our church and in our journey to generous giving.
When the people left Egypt and journeyed through the wilderness, Israel was formed as a nation and re-formed as the people of God. Born in captivity, the people received rich gifts as they left Egypt. These gifts would  later be used either to put a golden calf at the centre of the life of the community or to build a Tent where God would dwell with and meet his people. We face a similar challenge: the wealth and possessions entrusted to us can become the focus of our personal and shared lives in a consumer society or we can practise the disciplines of generosity that speak of God in our midst.