"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

Principle Reviewed

A theology of giving

'For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ(2 Cor. 8:9). Paul knew the material need in Jerusalem when he challenged Corinth to be generous and it is never out of sight. But beyond a heartfelt response to material need, Paul understands obedient generosity as a sacrament of God's grace and a sign of mutuality in the church.
Mature Christian giving will always respond to material need in the church. It will also go beyond that need and beyond our calculations about what we can afford to give. 'How much should I give?' perhaps opens up the deeper question: 'how much of me, my life in Christ and all that God has entrusted to me is reflected in my giving?'.

Generous giving is born of grace, an obedient, grateful response to God's gift in creation and in Christ, and to the commands of Scripture. To practise generosity is to release our grip on wealth and so make wealth release its grip on us. In a world where billions cry for justice and equal access to resources generosity is a prophetic act challenge and transformative in our pursuit of justice.