"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Planning to Visit

Explore the home visiting option early on. Leave it late and it won't happen. If you do plan to visit choose the route, the driver and crew and the destination carefully. In a small church you may well be able to visit everyone. In a larger church or with a small team, be realistic. Strike a balance between the team you have and the task you set yourself.
Don't dismiss the idea of visiting the whole congregation; it may well be possible. But too big a task will ruin things for both visitor and those who are visited. It is possible to visit a portion of the church if you are clear about the purpose. Let the planning group's wisdom define the scope of any home visiting. You might plan to visit just your regular planned givers. You might plan to visit your envelope givers to invite a move to the innovative, Direct Debit based Parish Giving Scheme because of the benefits over against weekly envelopes. As with differentiation we never visit on the basis of how much people give (which is, of course, confidential) or any subjective judgements about commitment or attendance.