"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

Leaders talking money

Church life would be so much easier if we did not have to think or talk about money! But we must talk money; after all, we need it for our day to day activities. But money is not just the stuff that keeps the show on the road. Money makes ministry and mission possible; it is everywhere in the bible and part of being disciples of Jesus. That's why we need to talk money and why leaders must start the conversation and lead from the front.
No army ever took a position when those carrying the flags were at the back! When it comes to money talk church leaders, lay and ordained, must lead from the front. The opening and closing chapters of Beyond the Collection Plate frame the practical actions in the other chapters. The first chapter asks why we must talk money; the last chapter provocatively suggests that if church leaders don't start the conversation then it may never happen. That can be tough, no question; but it is necessary. The final chapter suggests three metaphors, pictures that help define the leadership task when it comes to the stewardship of money.