"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Preach Luke! Seasons of giving

This sermon series explores generosity through four passages in Luke's Gospel. Sermon notes and reflections with liturgical provision and a range of all age resources are available for each week, the all age resources being themed around the four seasons of the year. The sermon reflections are by Canon Peter Howell-Jones, formerly Vice Dean of Chester cathedral and now Dean of Blackburn Cathedral.
Luke is the NT writer most interested in money and discipleship and three of the four passages in this preaching series are speciifcally money themed and unique to Luke's gospel. Background notes and sermon reflections resource this preaching series. Optionally this preaching series can be approached by viewing the passages through the lens of the four seasons and the seasons theme frames the the all age worship material. 

Transforming Generosity from Guildford diocese offers video sermons for each passage in Preach Luke! plus other video resources, podcasts and worship materials. 

The Generous June 2020 resources from Sheffield and Winchester offer video sermons, transcripts, links to other video materials and daiy podcasts for each day of June.