"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

Task Reviewed

Home Visiting

Once the heart of stewardship programmes, these days visiting is pretty rare: fewer people, less time, less inclination. However, we know that a personal request is almost always the best way to get a job done. A sensitive, carefully prepared and manageable visiting programme can be achieveable and beneficial.

Visiting the People

Let's be clear: home visiting is never cold-calling to recruit new givers. We visit, by appointment, with existing church members who are expecting a call. We deliver our literature (letter, brochure and response form) and have a conversation around that literature. No advice is given, no specific request made and no money ever changes hands in a visit. Each person's response is entirely confidential and not shared with the visiitor.

Visiting task guide

Why visiting matters

Daunting at first sight perhaps, but sensitive, carefully planned visiting will enhance the programme.
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Planning the visiting

Early preparation will strike a realistic balance between the scope of visiting and the time and people available.
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Training your Visitors

A little preparation and training will give confidence to the visiting team.
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Visitor Admin

Attention to administrative detail will avoid mistakes and maximise the relational benefits of home visiting.
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Commissioning your Visitors

Optionally, the church may choose to commission the visiting team prayerfully before they start their work.
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