"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

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Case Studies

Giving in Grace is extensively used in Anglican and other churches in and sometimes outside the UK.  The resources and approach have proved scalable and flexible in urban, suburban and rural communities save, perhaps, the smallest churches when collaboration with others, say in an Anglican multi church benefice, is not possible. Read how churches have used and adapted the programme and the difference it has made.
Stewardship is an issue for every church of whatever shape, size or tradition. The resources here have been succesfully used in rural, suburban, inner urban and outer estate churches and within a range of Christian traditions. Originally prepared for an Anglican stewardship initiative, Giving in Grace still reflects its Anglican roots but the core principles of biblical stewardship are applicable in churches of every denomination. Use these case studies to help think about how your church can adapt and develop the resources to build your own, bespoke local programme. And because stories are so powerful, use these case studies to help present Giving in Grace to your church leaders as they mull over the decision to run a programme.