"excel in this grace of giving" (2 Cor. 8:7)

Task Completed

Other ways to give

Where the Parish Giving Scheme is not available for most givers a Standing Order is the simplest and most effective way of making regular gifts to the ministry and mission of the local church. Widely used, Standing Orders are easy to set up and manage and are a safe effective way to give. Gift Aid can be claimed where eligible and appropriate confidentiality can be maintained. 
In the absence of the Parish Giving Scheme Standing Orders are an established and effective way to give regularly. They need church admin time (and possible bank charges) to manage and also reclaim Gift Aid, much simplified by church admin software (e.g.Church Suite) and Gift Aid software

Read more about Standing Order giving and other ways to give regularly in the document Setting Aside.

Download the Standing Order information leaflet to assist your response. It is a print ready generic leaflet or can be customised easily online (Canva).  The customise your leaflet video offers editing guidance, using the Gift Aid leaflet as an example.